Thursday, September 21, 2006

Weather warning: psychological thunderstorms ahead

My head hurts. I think it’s sympathy pain for my leg, which has been locked in a vicious cramp since Tuesday evening. What exactly is a pulled muscle? Because if it’s achingly painful, ridiculously tight, and causes you to hobble up and down stairs like a beshawled matron tottering on a cane, then I think I have it.

Je ne sais pas quoi penser. Je suis au milieu d’un labo: on doit laisser les acides aminés font les extractions pendant une heure. Mais je m’inquiète, je m’inquiète comme toujours parce que je ne sais pas quoi faire aux labos! J’écris ceci en français en espérant que toutes les personnes qui lisent mon blog ne comprendraient pas, parce que je m’ennuie de plaindre tout le temps. Mais, avec la protection d’une langue différente, je peux plaindre tout que je veux. Arg. Le problème est que je ne veux pas ça. Je le déteste, honnêtement. Je veux être contente. Mais les inquiètes me plagient toujours. Pourquoi?

This is ridiculous. Apparently, it makes no difference what language I write in. The result is the same. I should write in Ukrainian : I only know how to express fairly contented sentiments as of yet.

Я хачу їсти. Я льублю кіслу капусту! Бог стобою.

That's better.


Michael said...

You're losing me here...

Anonymous said...

Ah! You got me with Ukrainian. I cheated with French and used an online translator, which worked fairly well. (I already knew je ne sais pas....though that's not much of an accomplishment). I wish I could write in a foreign language. I left that when I left high school (I took 4 years of Japanese).