Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Dried up in Frogland

Typing on a french-set keyboard is like travelling to a new world. If I kept every mistake I made in hitting english-set keys when I was searching for the french ones, this would be an entry full of questions marked with És instead of ?s and apostrophes that danced backwards ``````

I am overwhelmed. I sit in class, the panic rising, and wonder if I would find the material any easier in English, or if I am simply hopelessly behind where I hope to be, regardless of my language of study.

I'm sure (hoping) that being incredibly, ridiculously tired doesn't help at all. Why is it so hard to stay awake between 10h00 and 12h00? ...and 12h00-17h00... fine, between 6h00 and 23h00!

Work today, 20 amino acid structures to memorize tonight, class again at 8:30 tomorrow morning! Arrrgh...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My darling cousin Eleanor (the link to her blog is on mine) is a French major, and spent a year in France last year. (I don't like that it says French/France and year/year all in one sentence, but I'll let it slide this time).