Friday, October 20, 2006

Bordering on depressive happiness

I was a little parentheses-happy in that last post. Wow.

Second midterm just finished, only two more to go. I love profs who put past quizzes into exams. It makes life just a little more reassuring. I'm telling you: my microbio prof is the french-scientific version of my psych prof from last year. They look the same, sound the same, have the same enthusiastic-bordering-on-manic obsession with student-participation, and do everything possible (although probably unintentionally) to make their exams low-stress. God bless the Morgans/Matthias' of the world (even their names are similar! they really are the same person!)

My manager called me a few days ago and asked if I wanted tonight off from work. A Friday night off from work. It was such a struggle to say yes. In all reality, I don't know what to do with myself. I feel like going absolutely crazy and having a Friday to make up for all the other Fridays of this year so far. For the past two months, I have been in school Monday-Thursday to work Friday and Saturday evening. Every week. That was my life. And now - this evening is looming ahead of me like some great shining Opportunity, and I feel like I owe it to my somewhat-pathetic life of late to get out and do something.

Except, knowing me and my luck for connecting with people, you'll probably find me at home, watching a movie and then tucked into bed at midnight with a book. Oh, I do need to learn to show some restraint (said in my affected English accent that I pull out on occasions).

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