Wednesday, September 12, 2007

lurk /lɜrk/ Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–verb (used without object)
1. to lie or wait in concealment, as a person in ambush; remain in or around a place secretly or furtively.
2. to go furtively; slink; steal.
3. to exist unperceived or unsuspected.
4. Chiefly Computers. to read or observe an ongoing discussion without participating in it, as in an Internet newsgroup. –noun Australian Informal.
5. an underhand scheme; dodge.
6. an easy, somewhat lazy or unethical way of earning a living, performing a task, etc.
7. a hideout.

A hiatus is said to be healthy, even essential, as it permits a time of reflection and a gain of new perspective. In my hiatus from my blog, I gained one very startling new perspective: apparently, I have lurkers.

The notion that people actually read this blog was disquieting enough. But that people read it and don’t leave comments… It’s like being hounded by a stalker who doesn't want to invest enough effort to leave you sinister notes or potentially poisoned chocolates. It’s just a little embarrassing.

Then again, I know some of the comments I’m tempted to make to myself after posting an entry. Maybe a little anonymity, even more so than new perspective, is healthier for everyone in the long run.

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