Monday, January 22, 2007

Just noticed how fast the widget is flipping those movies past. Wow. Going to give me a seizure. I really hope that calms down a little bit.


Michael said...

Sorry. "I LOVE the widget. Very widgety. Widgetastic!"

saran said...

Especially now that it's not speeding by at seizure-inducing rates. That was a little scary.

Michael said...

Well, I would have commented sooner, but I was having a seizure because of the widget. Didn't say anything, 'cause I didn't want you to feel bad.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Widgety goodness! I suppose I could have one o' those little guys on mine, too...

I have to say that I was disappointed to find out that when I make a comment on a film, it is shown to the entire community and not just my friends (which at this point only consists of you). Oh well, it's not the end of the world. But someday it will be, remember that.

I got distracted. I don't remember what else I was going to comment on...

Anonymous said...

Darling! I just put mine up. So now we can both give each other seizures. (Although apparently they will now only be mini-seizures compared to how fast those movies used to fly by.)