Sunday, May 21, 2006

If I were made of saran-wrap you still could not see through me...

It is 100 in the morning, and if I were a reasonable, intelligent citizen still recovering from jet-lag at an inordinately slow rate, I would be sleeping by now after realizing what a smart idea that would be, especially considering that I have to be awake, in the shower, and perkily raring to go in 6 hours. But as the unreasonable, muddle-headed citizen that I am, I am attempting to make the first witty and captivating paragraph entry on my blog. Brilliant.

Note that I clarify this is to be my first paragraph entry. I started this blog back in February already, after being inspired by a friend on the online journal site I used to/at times still do frequent. Now however, I feel a greater inclination to shrug off at least a portion of my excessive anonymity and share daily or at least thrice-weekly profound thoughts with all my loved and looming ones. We who blog think so highly of ourselves, don't we? I just can't seem to resist jumping on this self-important bandwagon.

The more times I write the word "blog," the more ridiculous I feel. I'm sure this slightly-ill feeling will pass by the time I feel inspired to offer my next morsel of { insert appropriate noun here as my already-strained thinking skills have decided to shut down completely }.

With love from,
the bemused and slightly shamed
Virgin blogger

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, my dear, I almost forgot how much I love you. Almost.
It's been a while, but now I have time to read all your entries with special care--which you deserve.

Is it silly that after all of this time I'm still amazed at how alike we are?