Sunday, April 20, 2008

Mio amore, presto sarò con voi...

1 near-death experience
+ 1 adopted family
+ 1 broken family
+ 1 move back into my family
+ 5 exams
+ 5 more days...
= I think I need to get away.


Michael said...

Wow. Maybe you do need to get away. You okay, saran?

saran said...

I'm fine. Life is just never boring!

2 days before exams started, I had a crazy car accident the day I was moving back home after 4 months and I'm leaving for Rome in 3 days.

Yep, definitely not boring.

Sheena said...

Vedali a Roma, la mia principessa

Michael said...

Were you at the Prov grad banquet?

saran said...

That I was! Argh, were you there too?

Michael said...

Yes, yes I was.